Dismantling ​Anti-Fat ​Bias in The ​Workplace

Training for Leaders and DEI ​Professionals

Live Training

Wednesday 12th of June at ​12pm PST/3pm EST

2 hour training and Q+A

Replay available

$97USD or 2 payments of $49

Need a scholarship? For a 50% off price that ​contributes towards economic justice just email ​me - fatty@fiercefatty.com

People in larger bodies are an often ​overlooked and marginalized ​population.

Forward-thinking leaders understand ​this gap and want to change the DEI ​landscape to include fat liberation ​because it is a deeply intersectional ​issue.

Wavy or Zigzag Lines. Horizontal Thin Lines Wave. Dotted Line. Big Set Black Color. Vector Illustration.

Who is this for?

This training is suitable for organization leaders who ​are interested in advancing DEI as well as DEI ​Professionals who would like an in-depth dive into ​fat liberation and its application.

What you’ll learn at the training:

  • Ways fat folks are ​harmed and excluded in ​the workplace
  • Why this is essential: Anti-​fatness from an ​intersectional lens
  • Perceptions of Fat and ​The Levels of Anti-Fat ​Bias
  • Up-to-date language ​and terminology
  • Why “just lose weight” is ​faulty logic and “but what ​about your health?!”
  • Ways to make the ​workplace welcoming ​for people in bigger ​bodies

This workshop is for you if:

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Filled In Inclusivity Icon

You want to be size-​inclusive, consider the fat ​experience and uncover ​any undiscovered bias ​you may hold

You want to feel ​confident that you are ​working within an ​intersectional lens in your ​DEI efforts

Happy Face Icon
Hand Drawn Heart

You want fat employees ​to feel safe at work, ​included and treated ​equitably

You want to attract a ​range of employees in ​different body types to ​your organization

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Value Icon

You want to live your ​values in your work ​but you’re not sure if ​you’re inadvertently ​causing harm

You’re a trailblazer ​and thought leader ​and you know this is ​an essential topic

Monoline Team Leader Icon


37-page Size Diversity Resource ​guide so that you can connect ​with and learn more about the fat ​community

The Size Diversity Resource Guide includes links ​to all the best:

  • Social media accounts to follow
  • TED Talks to watch
  • Books to read
  • Podcasts ready to listen to
  • Facebook groups you can join
  • Clothes - where to shop!
  • Science resources and helpful info.

Vinny, thanks so much for this training and the ​resource guide. This was beyond informative!”


I can’t come live. ​Is there a replay?

Yes! A replay will be sent out shortly ​after the training. You can also ask me ​questions before the training for me to ​answer live.

Ho​w much is it?

It’s $97 USD or 2 payments of $49. If ​funds are an issue please email me and ​I can provide pricing that advances ​economic e​quity.

Ho​w long is it?

2 hours long. 1 hour and 30 minutes is ​the training portion and the remaining ​30 minutes is the question and an​swer port​ion.

I know nothing of fat liberation OR​ I already know a lot. Is this training​ suitable​

I will start the training with some basic ​concepts so we are all on the same ​page and then going into more ​nuanced topics so that everyone will ​leave with something new. Even ​seasoned folks who have a very good ​understanding of fat lib will learned​ new concepts in this training! ​

Do​ I have to be in DEI or a Leader?

Nope! This workshop is for anyone that ​is interested in fat liberation as a topic. ​However, this is mostly geared toward ​anti-fat bias as it manifests in the ​workplace and how to make changes ​to do better. This training is not about ​how to survive as a fat person but ​rather how to support fat folks and ​understand more about anti-fat bias.

Wh​o is this for?

This training is suitable for organization ​leaders who are interested in ​advancing DEI as well as DEI ​professionals who would like an in-depth​ dive into fat liberation and its​ application.​


Wavy or Zigzag Lines. Horizontal Thin Lines Wave. Dotted Line. Big Set Black Color. Vector Illustration.

30 minutes of question and answer. ​Any questions about being fat-​positive in your workplace or life will ​be answered!

I will email before the training asking what ​questions you have so if you can’t come live ​they will still be answered!

Wavy or Zigzag Lines. Horizontal Thin Lines Wave. Dotted Line. Big Set Black Color. Vector Illustration.

What people are saying about ​training with Vinny

"This workshop was so helpful! I've been doing this work for several years, but as ​someone who holds a lot of body privilege, I am always looking for ways to be ​more inclusive and fat-positive.

I learned quite a few new things, giving me actionable ways to improve my ​social media and online presence moving forward. I appreciated how specific ​Vinny was about what to avoid and what to do instead. I loved the example ​disclaimers and the resource guide is incredible! I would highly recommend ​this to any practitioner with an online presence."

Summer Innanen - Host Eat The Rules Podcast - Body Image Coach

Testimonial Stars Icon
Wavy or Zigzag Lines. Horizontal Thin Lines Wave. Dotted Line. Big Set Black Color. Vector Illustration.

Wow. I’ve only just flicked through the slides and this is going to be amazing. Thank you so ​much for sharing your experience and teachings. I’m going to devour this and already have so ​much to think about. Always learning 💗

Nicole Kopel•Dietitian•Nutrition Counselling

So enjoyed the webinar yesterday. It was humorous, serious, educational and connective - ​Monarch Rising Therapy & Nutrition Services

Vinny! Thanks so much for today’s training. I really enjoyed it and so many parts of it made me think ​about ways that I can improve my content and messaging to be more fat-positive. This needs to be ​given to dietetic programs everywhere.

Claire Chewning | Anti-Diet Dietitian

Testimonial Stars Icon

Loved it!!! Seriously learned so much. Can’t wait to watch the second half.

Brittany Modell | Intuitive Eating Dietitian

Thank you so much for an amazing webinar! I learned so much and plan to watch the replay again! ​Patricia Jakubec - Anti-Diet Fat Positive Dietitian | Nutrition Coach

Thank you so much for this fantastic training! I thought I was doing a pretty good job at being ​fat-positive, but I've seen so many areas where I can grow and evolve. No shame in always ​continuing to learn and do better!

Angela Beaulieu- Health and Wellness Coach

Testimonial Stars Icon

For all the trailblazers

Live Training

Wednesday 12th of June at ​12pm PST/3pm EST

2 hour training and Q+A

Replay available

$97USD or 2 payments of $49

Need a scholarship?

For a 50% off price that contributes towards economic justice just email me


What people are saying

  • Thank you so much! This ​was incredibly helpful!
  • Vinny, thanks so much for ​this training and the ​resource guide. This was ​beyond informative!
  • Wow!!! This training has ​been amazing!!!
  • This was so good, Vinny!
  • Thank you!!!!
  • There was so much I didn’t ​know, this was so helpful!
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